Can You Smell What the Lok'tar is Cooking?
Find Kingslayer Orkus at the Ruins of Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills.Description
Shortly before you arrived an orc flew in upon a frost wyrm and demanded that I direct him to where the 'newbies were hanging out.' Uncertain as to the vernacular, I told him to fulfill his duty as a member of the Horde and deal with the worgen threat of the area. He grumbled something about 'what the lok'tar was cooking' and headed south to the docks.Ordinarily I wouldn't care about whether or not an orc went missing, but I am genuinely curious about what the lok'tar might be cooking. Find out.
You will receive: 90 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 175 experience
- 10 reputation with Undercity