Helcular's Rod Giveth...
Use Helcular's Rod to Empower 8 Dark Rangers.Dark Ranger empowered (8) |
Helcular's Rod |
To think, I, a master of necromancy, trained by Kel'Thuzad himself, was reduced to nothing more than a corpse in a grave. Thankfully, my astute apprentice, Thaivand, managed to find a group of heroes to recover this:<Helcular whips out his rod.>
It is through the power of the rod that I was reborn. The rod giveth and the rod taketh away!
Take it now and use it to empower our dark rangers battling the worgen in the field north of us. Renew their vigor with my rod.
You will receive: 15 60 if completed at level 90Helcular's Other Rod |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,600 experience
- 500 reputation with Undercity