High Priestess Jeklik
Destroy High Priestess Jeklik's body before Zanzil can resurrect her.If you become lost or need to return to Zul'Gurub, speak with Maywiki at the Explorers' League Digsite.
Destroy High Priestess Jeklik's body |
Maywiki's Fetish |
Ahead of you looms a ramp up to one of the city's many terraces. The bat-shaped totems ahead of you indicate that this is the domain of High Priestess Jeklik, a follower of Hir'eek.Jeklik was one of the Hakkar-worshipping priests that Zanzil was planning to resurrect. Perhaps if you hurry, you can stop the resurrection!
You will receive: 24 60 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 4,050 experience