Eliminate the Outcast
Travel to the Ruins of Aboraz in the Cape of Stranglethorn and deal with Zanzil the Outcast.
| Deal with Zanzil the Outcast |
Maywiki's Fetish |
You are to kill Zanzil. You rode on Hir'eek's wings and saw through Hir'eek's eyes; you know where Zanzil hides within the Ruins of Aboraz. Travel there and kill him.Oh, and <race>: if we become separated, you should use this fetish. It only works within Stranglethorn, but it will transport you back here to me should you need to return switfly.
Good luck, <race>. Zanzil is no ordinary opponent.
You will receive: 12 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,000 experience