Quick Facts

Runetotem's Robe of Triumph

Runetotem's Robe of Triumph
Item Level 245
Binds when picked up
1282 Armor
+120 Intellect
+193 Stamina
+82 Spirit
+82 Critical Strike

Red Socket
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +7 Spell Power

Runetotem's Garb (0/5)
(2) Set: Increases the critical strike chance of your Nourish spell by 5%.
(4) Set: Increases the healing done by your Rejuvenation by 10%.

Durability 160 / 160
Classes: Druid
Requires Level 80
Sell Price: 1
This item will be converted to Malfurion's Robe of Triumph if you transfer to Alliance.
