Scoop toad eggs from 8 Gurgling Toadspawn on the top level of the Pools of Purity.Toad Eggs Scooped (8) |
Slimy Bottle |
Have you heard about the crisis we're having at the pools?Toads have moved in and are spawning like crazy! It's become a real problem for the lotus farmers.
Coincidentally, I make a jam out of gelatinous toadspawn. I call it "Bottletoads" and it's a big hit with the kids around here. Can't keep any in stock.
If you're heading to the pools, you'd be doing everyone a favor by uh... liberating some of those toad eggs.
Into this bottle. For me.
Just look for bubbles and scoop right in!
You will receive: 10 85 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 129,000 experience