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Glyph of Demon Hunting

Glyph of Demon HuntingDemonology
Requires Demonology.

Teaches you the ability You imbue yourself with demonic energies, reducing physical damage taken by 10%, reduces magic damage taken by 15%, and allows the use of various demonic abilities.

In addition, Soulshatter becomes Provocation which taunts your target, Twilight Ward becomes Fury Ward which will absorb all schools of damage, Shadow Bolt becomes Demonic Slash, and Fear becomes Sleep..

You imbue yourself with demonic energies, reducing physical damage taken by 10%, reduces magic damage taken by 15%, and allows the use of various demonic abilities.

In addition, Soulshatter becomes Provocation which taunts your target, Twilight Ward becomes Fury Ward which will absorb all schools of damage, Shadow Bolt becomes Demonic Slash, and Fear becomes Sleep.
You imbue yourself with demonic energies, reducing physical damage taken by 10%, reduces magic damage taken by 15%, and allows the use of various demonic abilities.

In addition, Soulshatter becomes Provocation which taunts your target, Twilight Ward becomes Fury Ward which will absorb all schools of damage, Shadow Bolt becomes Demonic Slash, and Fear becomes Sleep.

Spell Details

Duration n/a
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #0 Apply Aura: Dummy (14)
Value: -100
