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Earthliving Weapon

Earthliving Weapon
10.5% of base mana
Instant cast
Requires Melee Weapon
Imbue the Shaman's weapon with earthen life. Increases spell healing by 2873 and gives each heal up to a 20% chance to trigger the Earthliving effect on the target, healing an additional 4376 over 12 sec. Single-target direct heals on targets below 35% of maximum health will always trigger this effect. Lasts 60 minutes.

Spell Details

Duration n/a
School Nature
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost 10.5% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant cast
Cooldown n/a
GCD 1.5 seconds
Requires Daggers, Fist Weapons, One-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords, Polearms, Staves, Two-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Swords
Effect #0 Enchant Item Temporary: (Earthliving)
Value: 1800
