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Living Bomb

Living Bomb
1.5% of base mana40 yd range
The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 4288 Fire damage over 12 sec. When this effect ends, or the target dies, it explodes to deal an additional 429 Fire damage to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards. Limit 3 targets. This spell is strongest when applied to 1 or 2 targets.

This spell has a 1.0 sec global cooldown.


Living BombMagic
Causes 1072 Fire damage every 3 sec. After 12 sec, the target explodes, causing 429 Fire damage to up to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards.
12 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Duration 12 seconds
School Fire
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type Magic
GCD category n/a
Cost 1.5% of base mana
Range 40 yards (Long Range)
Cast time Instant cast
Cooldown n/a
GCD 1 second
Scaling +32.14% of spell power to direct component
+80.36% of spell power per tick
Effect #0 Apply Aura: Periodic Damage - Flat
Value: 1
Interval: 3 seconds
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Periodic Dummy
Value: 44461
Interval: 3 seconds
Effect #2 Dummy:
Value: 10
