Quick Facts
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9% of base mana40 yd range
25 sec cooldown
Launches a Holy bolt at the target that grows in power as it travels, which causes up to 1 damage to an enemy, or up to 1 healing to an ally.

This effect can bounce from allies to other allies, or from enemies to other enemies. Each time it bounces it will split into 2 bolts, preferring farther away targets, and never hitting the same target twice. Cascade can bounce up to 4 times.

Spell Details

Duration n/a
School Holy
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost 9% of base mana
Range 40 yards (Long Range)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 25 seconds
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #0 Dummy:
Value: 4
Effect #1 Dummy:
Value: 2
