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3 min cooldown
Grants a superior shapeshifting form appropriate to your specialization for 30 sec. You may freely shapeshift in and out of this form for the duration of Incarnation.

Balance: Chosen of Elune
Improved Moonkin Form that gains % increased Arcane and Nature damage while Eclipse is active.

Feral: King of the Jungle
Improved Cat Form that allows the use of all abilities which normally require stealth, allows the use of Prowl while in combat, and removes the positional requirement of Ravage.

Guardian: Son of Ursoc
Improved Bear Form that reduces the cooldown on melee damage abilities and Growl to 1.5 sec.

Restoration: Tree of Life
Tree of Life Form that increases healing done by 15%, increases armor by 120%, and enhances Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Regrowth, and Entangling Roots spellcasts.

Spell Details

Duration 30 seconds
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 3 minutes
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #0 Apply Aura: Dummy
