The Totem of Kar'dash
Escort the Mag'har Captive out of Sunspring Post. Speak to Garrosh at Garadar if you succeed.
| Free the Mag'har Captive |
Thank you, stranger. They would have surely killed me had it not been for you.I was kidnapped by these Murkbloods 3 nights ago during a nighttime raid on Garadar. What I have since uncovered may very well shake the foundation of the Outland: these savages seek to recover the totem of Kar'dash! We cannot allow the totem to fall into the hands of the Murkbloods!
You must help me escape. And stranger, if I do not make it back to Garadar, you must tell Garrosh what happened here...
You will receive: 87 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 14,600 experience
- 350 reputation with The Mag'har