Balance Must Be Preserved
Ysiel Windsinger wants you to use the Ironvine Seeds on the Steam Pump Controls at Serpent Lake, Umbrafen Lake, Marshlight Lake and the Lagoon. Then return to her at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh with any leftover seeds you have.Umbrafen Lake Controls Disabled | |
Marshlight Lake Controls Disabled | |
Serpent Lake Controls Disabled | |
Lagoon Controls Disabled |
Ironvine Seeds |
I cannot begin to comprehend why the naga would drain the water out of their own habitat. What I do understand is a need to put a stop to their operations.These seeds carry with them the rage of the earth. Take them to the steam pumps operated by the naga and use them on their controls.
The vines that grow from the seeds will be as thick as your arm and as strong as iron. Go, <name>. Restore the balance that the naga have upset.
You will receive: 81 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 13,350 experience
- 350 reputation with Cenarion Expedition