Frostfire Belt
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed. Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Frostfire Belt if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals and 2 Mooncloth.Description
As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh's personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.<Angela points to her head.>
It's all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.
You will receive:Frostfire Belt |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 500 reputation with Argent Dawn