Mantles of the Dawn
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed. Bring 10 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to Quartermaster Lightspark at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.Argent Dawn Valor Token (10) | |
Argent Dawn (Revered) |
Your service to the Argent Dawn is to be commended, <name>. You are truly revered amongst us. I have been authorized to make available for you to purchase one of the Dawn's most valued items - our magic resistance mantles.Application of a mantle to your existing shoulder piece will enhance your resistance to the powers of magic in one of five potential ways. As a sign of continued dedication to our cause, I ask for no less than ten of our valor tokens in exchange for access to these mantles.
You will receive: 57 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 9,550 experience
- 250 reputation with Argent Dawn