Heart Of The Alliance
Confront 6 Sha-Touched Footmen. Should you lose Prince Anduin, speak to him at The Imperial Exchange.Sha-Touched Footman saved (6) |
I can't believe this has happened, <name>. After all we have been through here on Pandaria, will our people never learn from their past mistakes?Brann's expedition returned recently from Mogujia, bearing a sample of sha for study.
I had my reservations about this endeavor in the first place, and my worst fears have been realized.
The sha has escaped containment. I do not need to explain the horror of bringing the sha into the heart of the Vale.
We must dispel any sha we can find, and quickly!
You will receive: 19 84 50 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 236,000 experience
- 500 reputation with Operation: Shieldwall
- 500 reputation with Alliance