Quick Facts
  • Level: 88
  • Requires Level 87
  • Side: Both
  • Sharable
  • Difficulty: 87  91  103

Gourmet Kafa

Mark 10 Kafa'goot "Deposits" on Kota Peak.
Kafa'goot "Deposit" Marked (15)


It was genius: kafa berries go in the goot, seeds come out.

Kafa'kota is already rare and worth a fortune, but my invention--Kafa'goot--is GOURMET.

But its over now. Uncle is upset and peak is a muss. All thats left is to collect the rest of the Kafa'goot and never make it again.

I won't ask you to gather it--kind of a mussy task, not fit for hero-- just mark it so I can find it easily when the mountain is safe again.



You will receive: 13 62 if completed at level 90
Keenbean Kafa


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 162,000 experience
