Uncle Carlin
Return to Carlin Redpath at Crown Guard Tower in Eastern Plaguelands.Joseph's Hunting Blade (Provided) |
I'm going to play with dolly, but I don't want to play with daddy's sword after all. You'd better keep it.Even better, can you give it to my uncle Carlin? I'm not sure where he is, but sometimes I hear him crying. It sounds like he's nearby, to the north.
I hope he's not crying for me! <name>, will you find my uncle and tell him I'm alright?
If you find him say I'm waiting for him, and I want to hear the story he used to tell... the one about the rabbits and the berry jam! That story's so funny!
You will receive: 2 70 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 455 experience