Quick Facts

Zen'Kiki and the Cultists

Bring Zen'Kiki to the Malicia Outpost in Western Plaguelands, then break 4 Captive Plaguebears out of their cages and allow Zen'Kiki to heal them.
Captive Plaguebear freed and healed (4)


While you've been away, I've been trying a different approach on our friend Zen'Kiki. I believe he may have a future as a healer. This is mainly because healing spells never miss.

I hear from Field Agent Kaartish that the cultist camp to the east is where the plagued animals are coming from. I hope you don't mind escorting Zen'Kiki over there... perhaps he can help heal some of the plagued animals within the camp.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Zen'Kiki's Thanks Leggings of the Slippery Shifter
Breastplate of the Patient
You will also receive: 29 40 if completed at level 90


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
