The Menders' Stead
Report to Field Agent Kaartish at the Menders' Stead in Western Plaguelands.Description
I don't like the looks of what the Forsaken are doing here at the Bulwark. Bombs, cauldrons, needless bloodshed... none of these embody that which the Argent Crusade stands for. Furthermore, I don't like the fact that they employ mercenaries like yourself.Nothing against you personally, <class>. It's just that you could be doing so much more for yourself. If you're interested in healing the plaguelands, rather than re-plaguing them, then report to Field Agent Kaartish at the Menders' Stead to the east.
You will receive: 2 10 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 370 experience
- 10 reputation with Undercity