When Death is Not Enough
Kill 8 Alliance Laborers on Felstone Field so your Enthralled Val'kyr can convert them into Forsaken.
| Alliance Laborers slain and converted (8) |
Derrington and his men don't know it, but it was I who ordered the plaguing of Felstone Field. We need this area for practice. If we're to win this war for Andorhal, we need to use our newest, most versatile weapon:Val'kyr.
Take my enthralled val'kyr with you, <name>, and kill the simpering Alliance scum that remain on Felstone. Once they are dead, she will bring them back to this world... as one of us.
The Forsaken shall not die out!
You will receive: 21 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 3,500 experience
- 250 reputation with Undercity