After the Crusade
Scout the Scarlet Crusade camp located east of Felstone Field in Western Plaguelands.
| Scarlet Crusade camp scouted |
Our victories are quickly piling up, <name>. The Scarlet Crusade, which has long persecuted the Forsaken, is on its last legs. While they still hold their monastery here in Tirisfal, they no longer occupy Hearthglen, or Tyr's Hand, far to the east.As recently as last week, there have been reports of Scarlet Crusade activity at a small camp east of Felstone Field, but I have reason to believe that they too have been eliminated. Travel there, and verify this information for me.
You will receive: 15 60 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,600 experience
- 150 reputation with Undercity