The Damsel's Luck
Report to your Captain's Chambers within the Damsel's Luck in the Cape of Stranglethorn.Description
I know ye just arrived here on the Crimson Veil, but I need to send ye off on another task. The Damsel's Luck is the third ship in me fleet, moored over to the east. Her skipper - Captain Stillwater - is no longer with us.Damn those masked hoodlums!
Anyhow, Ironpatch told me about yer heroics at sea, and I be runnin' low on quality brigands. I think yer more than capable for this new duty.
Congratulations, matey. Ye be the new captain of the Damsel's Luck.
You will receive: 10 20 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,650 experience