Breaking Waves of Change
Speak to Vesprystus in Rut'theran Village to secure a ride to Lor'danel.Description
It seems you have your first charge. You must travel back down to Rut'theran Village, where we first arrived, and speak to Vesprystus to secure a ride to Lor'danel.Once in Lor'danel, aid the night elves in any way that you are able. I am trusting you to treat them with the reverence that they deserve in light of all that they have done for us.
I must travel to the distant city of Stormwind to meet with King Varian. I hope to see your face again very soon, <name>. Until then, a fond farewell.
You will receive: 1 20 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 210 experience
- 25 reputation with Darnassus