Nezzliok Will Know
Obtain Nezzliok's Head from Nezzliok the Dire in Zul'Kunda.Nezzliok's Head |
Yenniku was not among the heads, and I thank the Great Serpent for it. But we are no closer to finding him.We must know the truth, and I fear that only the Bloodscalp witchdoctor will know it. He is an enemy of the Darkspear tribe and will not speak freely, so we must force the truth from his dead lips!
Bring me the head of Nezzliok the Dire and place it within this cauldron.
He is deep within Zul'Kunda. Bring his head...we will then make it talk.
You will receive: 16 80 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2,750 experience
- 250 reputation with Darkspear Trolls