The Apes of Un'Goro
Bring 2 Un'Goro Gorilla Pelts, 2 Un'Goro Stomper Pelts, and 2 Un'Goro Thunderer Pelts to Gremix at Mossy Pile.Un'Goro Gorilla Pelt (2) | |
Un'Goro Stomper Pelt (2) | |
Un'Goro Thunderer Pelt (2) |
There's plenty of money to be had here in Un'Goro, you just need to know where to look!Apes may be common here in Un'Goro, but they're much rarer up north. In Everlook, a gorilla hide fetches ten times what you'll get for it down here!
I'm not going to send you all the way up to Winterspring - that'd be irresponsible - but I could use your help actually obtaining some hides.
You'll find gorillas at Fungal Rock, to the northeast, near a waterfall. Don't forget to check inside the cave!
You will receive: 43 50 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 7,340 experience