Final Report
Gorat wants you to return the Vial of Gorat's Blood to Kadrak at Mor'shan Ramparts.Vial of Gorat's Blood (Provided) |
<Gorat coughs deeply as he strains to speak.>It was... an ambush....
We were... returning to the ramparts. All of us... lost....
We... discovered their leader...
<Gorat painstakingly fills a vial with the blood spilling from one of his wounds.>
My men... must be avenged.... Bring this... to Kadrak....
He will know what to do....
<Gorat expires.>
You will receive: 99 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,650 experience
- 250 reputation with Warsong Offensive