Hazzik's Bargain
Obtain Hazzik's Package at his dwelling in eastern Skettis and return to him with it.Hazzik's Package |
Do not draw attention to our conversation. Adaris would not approve.I belong to the lowest caste of arakkoa, <name>. During Terokk's rule I would've been sacrificed to the dark powers worshipped by his talonpriests. If what you say is true and the talonpriests are seeking Terokk's return, then you must prevent them from succeeding - regardless of what your leader says!
I've something to offer you that you'll find useful. There is a package at my old dwelling in Upper Veil Shil'ak. Bring it to me!
You will receive: 37 50 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 6,250 experience
- 75 reputation with Sha'tari Skyguard