When Spirits Speak
Mother Kashur at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand has asked that you seek out the vision you had. Find K'ure in Oshu'gun.Description
Oshu'gun - the diamond mountain - was once sacred to my people. It was there that the clans would gather every year to celebrate the springtime festival. It was there that our shaman communed with the honored ancestors. It was the center of our culture - until the shadows overtook us. When the clans became a horde, the spirits of Oshu'gun fell silent. The ancestors turned their backs on us.Yet something now draws them from their rest. Venture to Oshu'gun and discover what could trouble the spirits so.
You will receive: 72 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 12,000 experience
- 250 reputation with The Mag'har
- 250 reputation with The Sha'tar