This NPC can be found in Tirisfal Glades (189), The Lost Isles (139), Naxxramas (100), Loch Modan (95), Darkshore (93), Ashenvale (91), Hillsbrad Foothills (84), Howling Fjord (77), ScholomanceOLD (55), Terokkar Forest (46), Desolace (43), Karazhan (42), Gilneas (37), Deathknell (35), Stormwind City (26), Nagrand (24), The Hinterlands (23), Ghostlands (22), Swamp of Sorrows (21), Bloodmyst Isle (18), Azshara (15), Silverpine Forest (12), Stonetalon Mountains (12), Scarlet Monastery (10), The Culling of Stratholme (10), Shattrath City (8), The Deadmines (8), Mana-Tombs (4), Gilneas City (4), Azuremyst Isle (3), Crystalsong Forest (2), Undercity (2), The Cape of Stranglethorn (2), Drak'Tharon Keep (2) and The Violet Hold (1).
After killing this NPC you will gain:- 15 reputation with The Violet Eye