This NPC can be found in Eastern Plaguelands (87), Hillsbrad Foothills (66), Stonetalon Mountains (63), Naxxramas (36), Teldrassil (35), Dustwallow Marsh (31), Karazhan (29), Shadow Labyrinth (25), Tirisfal Glades (24), Winterspring (22), Icecrown Citadel (22), Swamp of Sorrows (21), Zul'Aman (18), Mana-Tombs (16), Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (16), Howling Fjord (15), Elwynn Forest (13), Ghostlands (13), Blasted Lands (13), Utgarde Pinnacle (12), Pit of Saron (12), The Hinterlands (11), Drak'Tharon Keep (13), Azshara (10), Utgarde Keep (8), Azjol-Nerub (10), The Forge of Souls (5), Black Temple (10), The Violet Hold (4) and Gilneas (4).
After killing this NPC you will gain:- 7 reputation with The Consortium (stops at Friendly)