Quick Facts
  • Level: 1
  • Account-wide
  • Cost: 1,500
  • Cannot be disenchanted

Tarnished Raging Berserker's Helm

Tarnished Raging Berserker's Helm
Item Level 1
Binds to account

Equip: Experience gained is increased by 10%.
Requires level 1 to 90 (90)
Sell Price: 37 50


11769HeadPlate Armor
11570HeadPlate Armor
115HeadPlate Armor
11570HeadPlate Armor
114HeadPlate Armor
114HeadPlate Armor
11370HeadPlate Armor
108HeadPlate Armor
10565HeadPlate Armor
105HeadPlate Armor
10066HeadPlate Armor
10066HeadPlate Armor
10066HeadPlate Armor
93HeadMail Armor
8560HeadPlate Armor
8360HeadPlate Armor
7460HeadPlate Armor
7260HeadPlate Armor
6560HeadPlate Armor
6358HeadPlate Armor
6156HeadPlate Armor
6156HeadPlate Armor
6156HeadPlate Armor
6055HeadPlate Armor
5954HeadMail Armor
5954HeadMail Armor
5954HeadPlate Armor
5853HeadPlate Armor
5651HeadPlate Armor
5550HeadMail Armor
55HeadMail Armor
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5348HeadPlate Armor
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5146HeadPlate Armor
5045HeadPlate Armor
4944HeadPlate Armor
4843HeadPlate Armor
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4641HeadPlate Armor
4440HeadPlate Armor
3732HeadMail Armor
3630HeadMail Armor
3530HeadMail Armor
3429HeadMail Armor