Quick Facts
  • Level: 115
  • Side: Alliance
  • Cost: 22 35 14
  • Cannot be disenchanted

Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders

Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders
Item Level 115
Binds when picked up
846 Armor
+44 Stamina
+10 Intellect
+15 Critical Strike
+14 PvP Resilience

Red Socket
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +3 PvP Resilience

Crusader's Ornamented Battlegear (0/5)
(2) Set: +35 PvP Resilience.
(4) Set: Reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice by 10 sec.

Durability 80 / 80
Classes: Paladin
Requires Level 70
Requires Honor Hold - Honored
Sell Price: 4 47 2
This item will be converted to Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders if you transfer to Horde.
