Quick Facts

Damage Control

Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.

Criteria – Requires 1 out of 16

Do more than 300,000 Damage in Alterac Valley
Do more than 300,000 Damage in Battle for Gilneas
Do 300,000 Damage in Warsong Gulch
Do 300,000 Damage in Strand of the Ancients
300,000 healing in av
300,000 healing in eots
300,000 healing in sota
300,000 healing in Twin Peaks
Do more than 300,000 Damage in Twin Peaks
Do 300,000 Damage in Arathi Basin
Do 300,000 Damage in Eye of the Storm
Do 300,000 Damage in Isle of Conquest
300,000 healing in ab
300,000 healing in wsg
300,000 healing in Isle of Conquest
300,000 healing in Battle for Gilneas
