Quick Facts

Brew For Brewfest

You have 4 minutes to ride the ram and maintain 3 different levels of speed for 8 seconds.


So you want to check out the racing rams? The dwarves think they have got a handle on it, but let's be honest, they are drunk most of the time, so how hard can it really be?

Now before I let you strut your stuff, you'll need to show me that you can handle these fine, legally obtained creatures.

So here's the deal: I'll lend you some racing reins and the use of a ram. You need to prove to me that you can handle using these rams.

Keep the ram at a trot, canter and gallop for 8 seconds each.



The following spell will be cast on you:
Brewfest - Daily - Relay Race Accept - QUEST - DND
You will receive: 19 84 50 if completed at level 90


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5 experience
