Stones of Binding
Recover 6 Elemental Binding Stones from Blackrock Depths. You can find the stones in Shadowforge City, the Domicile, the Shrine of Thaurissan, the East Garrison, and the West Garrison.Elemental Binding Stone (6) |
The Shattered Hand has discovered increased collaboration between Twilight's Hammer and the Dark Iron dwarves in Blackrock Depths. We have an opportunity to strike at our enemies and empower ourselves, <name>.Twilight's Hammer followers have placed a number of elemental binding stones throughout Shadowforge City, the Domicile, the Shrine of Thaurissan, the West Garrison and the East Garrison. Find and capture those stones!
You will receive: 51 if completed at level 90Horns of the Left Hand Path |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 8,500 experience
- 350 reputation with Orgrimmar