Special Delivery for Brivelthwerp
Deliver the I-Scream Cryocannon to Brivelthwerp at the Sunken Dig Site in Thousand Needles.I-Scream Cryocannon (Provided) |
I recently came into possession of something that needs to be delivered to a gnome that goes by the name, Brivelthwerp. It's more like Briveltwerp if you ask me.I want you to take it to him in the southwest, down at the Sunken Dig Site. He's up to something and there's moolah involved... I can smell it!
Keep an eye on what he's doing, <name>, and see if you can't get a cut of his profits. A big cut!
You will receive: 2 70 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 455 experience