The Last of Her Kind
Astrid Bjornrittar in Brunnhildar Village wants you to rescue an Icemaw Matriarch in the Hibernal Cavern.Icemaw Matriarch Rescued |
Runed Harness |
For as long as I can remember, we've obtained our best bears from the Hibernal Cave to the east.Those times might finally be gone. The cave has been overrun by ravenous jormungar and the wild bears are all but extinct.
If you were to find a surviving matriarch, however, I would guarantee you that she would fight better than any of these bears born in captivity.
Take this harness to the Hibernal Cave and rescue a surviving matriarch. Good luck finding one.
You will receive: 1 32 if completed at level 90Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 22,050 experience